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Add-On Vehicles

Works-in-progress, early Beta releases, updates, etc. by myself and others.
Click on the vehicle's picture to download.
Click on a thumbnail to see a bigger picture.

'66 Bus-Final
Not perfect in anyway, but as close as I could get it with the tools I have.
---click the pic to download (2 MB)---
F450 Super Duty Flatbed
Ahhh.... I remember those days on the farm, hot-rodding around the narrow trails and dirt roads in the 'ole farm's flatbed 1-ton dually.....burning up the clutch....oops...
For those wanting to relive the days of ragging out the family farm truck, dream about it, or are still doing it, this truck is for you!

F150 Baja Runner and Lowrider


It was difficult, but I managed to pry these two beauties from Athos's fingers. Give'em a spin, if your vid card can handle the high polys :)